(1) Research articles which are resulted from researches or inquiries of the writer or writers.
(2) Theoretic articles or compilations which include critical scrutinizing and analyzing the scholarly subjects.
(3) It is advised that articles, especially research-experiential ones, include following parts: title, abstract, introduction, theoretical literature, theoretical framework, methodology, findings (results), discussion and conclusion, and references.
(1) In composing the articles, besides regarding the Persian composing ordinances, it should be used from Persian words; of course as much as possible.
(2) The content of the articles should be typed in WORD software (2003-2007-2010 versions) and the content of the article without abstract shouldn’t be more than 6500 words. Critique of the book shouldn’t be more than 5 pages. Articles with more than 7000 words aren’t evaluated or judged.
(3) Writer or writers, after reading the Guidance and Instructions for Writers, should register their article on the website of the journal: jsr.ut.ac.ir. Evaluation of all articles is possible exclusively by loading the article on website and any other ways aren’t accepted.
(4) Preliminary acceptance of the articles requires regarding the Guidance and Instructions for Writers; and final acceptance and publishing the articles depends on affirmation of jurors and editorial board.
(5) The name of writer or writers and also their scholarly ranks should be written under the title of the article. Work address and email of the writer or writers of the article should be brought at the footnote of the first page.
(6) For thanksgivings and gratitude of institutions and individuals who had contributions in article or gave supports, it can be written a sentence under the specifications of the writers; as much as possible short.
(7) The abstract of the article (in Persian and English) should include 150 to 250 words and it should briefly accommodate the purpose, theoretical framework, method and the most important finding of the article.
(8) Keywords of the article, 5 to 8 words, should be mentioned at the end of the abstract.
(9) References should be listed based of the alphabet order and following stylebook.
(10) Inside the text of the article, the pattern of citation includes family name of the writer(s), the year, and page number; ex: (Hoseini, 1384: 21).
(11) Pattern of referencing from book in references (Persian and English):
Family name of the writer(s), Name, Year of Publication of book (Release Year), Title of Book, Translator (if translated), Location (city) of Publication, The Name of Publication, The Print Issue.
(12) Pattern of referencing from articles of journals in references (Persian and English):
Family name of the writer(s), Name, Year of Publication of Journal (Release Year), Title of article, Translator (if translated), The Name of Journal, Journal Address, The Number of Journal.