A study of the relationship between social capital and educational achievement:The case of Abarkooh

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی



Educational achievement has usually been an important issue among authorities of educational system, parents and teachers. Also, educational achievement can be a clear indicator of both teachers and students performance and a measure of the effectiveness of educational goals in general. A failure of educational achievement dissipates both human and material resources. Therefore, addressing educational achievement is critical and this paper, combining social capital theory, control theory, and attachment theory, attempts to investigate the effect of student social interaction variable on educational achievement mediated by coping strategies and school engagement. A sample of 296 high school students were surveyed and responded to the researcher constructed questionnaire.
The findings indicate that variables of parent-children relationship, active coping strategies and school engagement have significant and meaningful effects on educational achievement. Also, a path analysis indicates that the indirect effects of teacher-student and parents-teachers relationships variables on educational achievement are remarkable. In sum, based on a multiple regression analysis, our findings indicate that the main variables of this study explain 40 percent of the variances of the dependent variable. 


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