A study of educational socialization:The prerequisite of knowledge production

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی



This paper attempts to examine the impact of social factors on the formation of Knowledge Based Personality among high school students. Knowledge Based Personality includes social values, learning strategies and educational perseverance. Theoretically, Knowledge Based Personality, which is influenced by educational perseverance, contributes to the production of knowledge in society. Methodologically, a systematic interview has been conducted among 600 female students from 3 secondary schools in 5 districts in Tehran to test the mentioned theoretical claim.
Findings indicate that expressive value affects educational perseverance more positively than the instrumental value. On the other hand, instrumental value has considerable negative impact on the educational perseverance. Furthermore, an increase in the amount of expressive value affects the intensive strategies of learning. By contrast, the growing of instrumental values among female students diminishes their intensive learning strategies and makes these strategies superficial. Therefore, the combination of expressive value, educational strategies of intensive learning and educational perseverance contribute to the formation of Knowledge Based Personality.


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