Roland Barthes applies mythology as a means to decode different aspects of everyday life and popular culture. Besides his sophisticated analysis of these aspects, the method that enables him to demythologize even the most trivial aspects of everyday life is important and should be taken into consideration. The Barthian method was applied later by others and influenced cultural studies greatly. The present article examines the method applied by Barthes in his mythology. It does so by applying Lacanian and Zizekian viewpoints. Barthes ends his article Mythology today, which has explained in his method and insight in details, with a paradox that mythology can't solve. According to Barth, Mythology is unable to present its totality and oscillate between object and its decoding. This paradox which Barthes can't solve causes an inconsistent understanding of reality in mythology. It seems that the solution to this paradox is unconscious, the concept Barthes omits in his analysis intentionally. The mediation of unconscious as the discourse of the other can transcend the limitations of the duality of poetry (natural quality of things) and ideology (mysterious quality of things) and supports ideology critique with an extra-ideological point which enables the critic to reject the natural and unmediated characteristic of experience as ideological.
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