Reading the Imposed War Novels among University and Seminary Students

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی



Inrecent decades literary theory doesn’t limit itself to the text or the author, and pays attention to the readers and the quality of their understanding of a literary text.  Now, the reader as an active audience in understanding of a literary text has taken a role in the creation of a work by an author.  This point is observable in the reading of literary works written about the Iraqi war against Iran.  Since these works intend to transfer the post-war values to the next generation, so the reader understanding of those works can be considered very important. 
Using the views of thinkers such as Wolfgang Iser, Stanley Fish and Julia Kristeva, this paper intends to reach the understanding of the readers of imposed war novels.  For this purpose, using a qualitative analysis of the content of the mentioned novels and doing deep interviews, we have conducted a research among two groups of university and religious schools students.  The results show that there is a difference between two groups of students in some respects such as the spiritual view of the students of religious schools and the worldly views of the students of universities towards these types of novels.


  1. کتاب‌نامه‌ی فارسی

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    کتاب‌نامه‌ی لاتین

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