Typology of Imam Khomeini’s Political Thought In comparison with the Intellectual Currents of the Contemporary Islamic World

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی



Imam Khomeini’s thought, founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has had a great influence on the growth and flourishing of contemporary Iranian society. Imam Khomeini’s thoughts has been widely discussed in various intellectual areas such as jurisprudence, theosophy, philosophy and theology, and, in particular, his political thought has been considered as an important source for understanding of Islamic revolution in Iran by domestic and foreign scholars. Therefore, studying and analyzing his political thought as the first Vali Faqih and a great political leader in the Shieah World in the Age of Absence, particularly with attention to the recent political movements in Islamic countries, are of great importance. Accordingly, in this paper, we have attempted to review Imam Khomeini’s political thoughts and make a comparison to contemporary Currents of Thought in Islamic world. We have reviewed Sahife Noor  and Velayat Faqih as the main sources of political thoughts of Imam and reached a type of political thought based on William Shepherd's typology. We have indicated that Imam Khomeini’s political thought, compared with the Currents of Thought described in Shepherd's typology, comes close to the "Islamic Shariah".


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    کتاب‌نامه‌ی لاتین


    1. Sheperd E. W. (1987). “Islam and Ideology: Towards a Typology”. International Journal of Middle East Studies. Vol 19. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.