Hermeneutics is a knowledge highly considered by various thinkers of different civilizations since a long time ago. Like other civilizations, Islamic World has noticed this knowledge. Although no specific book has been written by Muslim thinkers on the issue, but Hermeneutics was discussed specially through interpretations of Holy Quran. Among Muslim scholars who noted this subject we can name Mulla Sadra. Considering Quran verses, he regards Hermeneutics as moving from surface structure into inner structure of the text or as referring derivatives to the principle, or referring allegorical to the firm knowledge. He rejects that merely looking at the surface structure of Quran is the true apprehension of it. He believes that a real Hermeneutist is one who grasps insidious insight and observance of rational and ideal truths of Quran besides retaining surface structure. This is because Mulla Sadra regards understanding and Hermeneutic of Quran to be hierarchical, as he thinks the Universes is so. He believes that there are different levels of understanding for Quran, amongst which the true and right one belongs just to the all-wise men, men of attained union or those that are firmly rooted in knowledge and have pure souls.