The essay with approach social interpretivism analyses semantic understanding changes of quality life in between residents the Oraman Lahun region. The approach social interpretivism focused on imagination of social constructivism believes that social actors have central role in creation and production semantic understanding their life. They also act with away reflexive and consciousness in environment their life. The field study was Oraman Lahun region in province Kermanshah. The study had been in qualities’ tradition and for production data used of tequnices participatory observation, in-depth interview and discussion group. For analysis data used of method explicative content analysis with way global analysis. In sum produced data in within 36 concepts have been coding and analyzed six main categories and one central core. The categories are social inclusion, happiness, social anomie, material welfare, infrastructural facilities and quality of environmental. The final category is changes of quality of life that had shaped its around other categories and reprehensive meaning understanding of quality life in between residents the Oraman Lahun region. The findings revealed a gap between subjective and semantic dimensions welfare with objectives aspects welfare .This is an important problem in process region’s development. As needs to analysis and further study in field of development studies in two dimensions theoretical and policing.
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ghafari, G. , Firozabadi, S. A. and daneshmehr, H. (2014). Quality of life and its meaning understanding in the Oraman Lahun region. Sociological Review, 20(2), 233-261. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2014.56280
ghafari, G. , , Firozabadi, S. A. , and daneshmehr, H. . "Quality of life and its meaning understanding in the Oraman Lahun region", Sociological Review, 20, 2, 2014, 233-261. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2014.56280
ghafari, G., Firozabadi, S. A., daneshmehr, H. (2014). 'Quality of life and its meaning understanding in the Oraman Lahun region', Sociological Review, 20(2), pp. 233-261. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2014.56280
G. ghafari , S. A. Firozabadi and H. daneshmehr, "Quality of life and its meaning understanding in the Oraman Lahun region," Sociological Review, 20 2 (2014): 233-261, doi: 10.22059/jsr.2014.56280
ghafari, G., Firozabadi, S. A., daneshmehr, H. Quality of life and its meaning understanding in the Oraman Lahun region. Sociological Review, 2014; 20(2): 233-261. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2014.56280