Compared with the totality of human life, Adolescence is the full of Suspension especially girls’ maturity which is very sensitive. From the end of the nineteenth century, the publicationsof feminists and anti-feminists, psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists and cultural theorists all presentedthe girls and girlhood as important actors in cultural changes.So, the main purpose of this study is to explore the construction of girlhood on TV. For this reason, three serials, “Khazra high school” (1990s), “Recalcitrancy period” (2000s) and “The Sky is not always cloudy” (2010s) were selected from three different decades to find out which narratives of girlhood are constructed and which changes emerged during the last three decades in girlhood’s narrative of serials? Using the approach of constructed representation and Greimas’ narrative analysis on the serials showed that despite all the differences among three serials, their discourses and narratives are the same, "girls at risk". In studied serials, there is an identical basic story design. By “negation of girls’ individuality”, all three serials, represent them in “home-school” duality, within a “generation approach” and “at risk” discourse. Adults represented in “ethical” discourse are like heroes who have the task of guiding girls. Girls and girlhood are depicted as challenge, ambiguity, doubt, fear and concern of adults. Girls are represented as passive objects which need adults’ care, attention and help for transition to normative adulthood.
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Montazer ghaem, M. , and Pak, H. . "Narrative Analysis of Girlhood in Three TV Serials: Briadcasted during 1990s, 2000s and 2010s", Sociological Review, 22, 2, 2016, 9-38. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2016.57034
Montazer ghaem, M., Pak, H. (2016). 'Narrative Analysis of Girlhood in Three TV Serials: Briadcasted during 1990s, 2000s and 2010s', Sociological Review, 22(2), pp. 9-38. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2016.57034
M. Montazer ghaem and H. Pak, "Narrative Analysis of Girlhood in Three TV Serials: Briadcasted during 1990s, 2000s and 2010s," Sociological Review, 22 2 (2016): 9-38, doi: 10.22059/jsr.2016.57034
Montazer ghaem, M., Pak, H. Narrative Analysis of Girlhood in Three TV Serials: Briadcasted during 1990s, 2000s and 2010s. Sociological Review, 2016; 22(2): 9-38. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2016.57034