Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی



Till now, Durkheim has not been known as a theorist of political sociology in Iran and also in the West. One reason for this delay is that Durkheim's political books, including the book "Sociological lessons", translated and collected later than the rest of his works. Durkheim political ideas in particular concerning the nature and function of the state, the role of the state in the development of moral individualism, and adjust the relation between state and society in a democracy. The importance of these ideas is in the specific definitions of state, civil morality, and democracy, and Durkheim's critique of socialism and communism's schools. Neo-Durkheimian political sociology, in recent decades, in the works of Jeffrey Alexander is one of the pillars of the formation known as the cultural turn in political sociology. In this article, Durkheim's opinions expressed and by the various schools of political sociology and late discussions of political sociology Durkheim also be discussed.


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