Challenges of IRIB in confronting audiences with high media literacy in the global village

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


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Increasing the media literacy of audiences is a key factor that has changed the audience and the audience's relationship with the media forever and therefore media also should be transformed to keep accomplishing their goals and missions. By choosing IRIB as a medium of this research, identifying the challenges of the increasing media literacy of audiences for IRIB was set as an aim of the research. Researcher adopted Delphi as a research method. In the first phase of Delphi method (goal: To identify the challenges) researcher achieved 52 Challenges of increasing the media literacy of audiences for IRIB by conducting 21 interviews with experts and codifying them. In the second and third phase of Delphi method (goal: to reach Consensus on Challenges) by sending questionnaires and receiving 18 questionnaires in the second phase And 15 questionnaire in the third phase, experts reached consensus on 50 challenges out of the 52 challenges which were identified in the first phase. Audience reduction, Decreasing the tolerance of audiences and increasing audience s' expectations, Increasing the possibility of the audiences s' opposition to the incoming messages, Reducing media credibility for audiences, The need to increase the  technical quality of media production, Decreasing the media image, Reducing media effectiveness, Reducing advertising revenues of media, Audiences s' distrust of media, Lack of media impact in crises, Reducing media control over public opinion, Increasing the costs of media production, The necessity of the presence of specialists in the media, The need to upgrade and improve media promotion methods, The difficulty of making meaning for the media, losing  the ability to make norms for the media and the force to compromise on the red lines, Increasing the image of the ineffectiveness of the political system  and Loss to the domestic economy are among the important findings of this research.


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