
Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


1 anthropology , faculty of social sciences , university of Tehran

2 department of anthropology, tehran university


This study is in pursuit of understanding the position of Home and territory in Kakavand tribe. Article's approach is based on the ideas of Gaston Bachelard about home. The research approach is ethnography. the needed data were gathered through in-depth interview and participant observation.The data were analysed through the steps of analysis, interpretation and reporting. The results show that 1. Black tent is home, a place to gather the families, Taife and eil so that we can see it as a topophia and full of human values. The borders of black tent is so permeabile that can fade the relationshiop between inside and outside and may reach the bounds of territory. 2. All the immigration territory is full of meanings and memories. The holy/unholy places, life cycle and namings play a role in sprading the meanings and repruducing them inside the immigration territory; Therefore the sense of belonging is widespread as the width of territory and it is not limited to black tent. 3. immigrants(nomads) are not vagabond and cyclic relocating is the most important dimension of their organized life system in which home is fulidal and permeable.


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