Identity Dynamics and Identity construction Consumption, a study in Golestan quarter of Sabzevar

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی




Golestan quarter as one of the neighborhoods located in Sabzevar city center has numerous problems in urban management. Although city officials are aware of the problems of the neighborhood, unfortunately, there is no significant step in the way of solving these issues. Continuation of problems of this neighborhood in the city have been tangible that local media and news agencies of Sabzevar have been categorized it as an unsolved problem in urban management. A significant part of this issue appears to be due to the lack of proper understanding of this neighborhood and its problems. Looking at the problems in this neighborhood is generally physical and technical. However, it seems that the basic problem of the Golestan neighborhood is social. Even physical and technical problems can be said to be rooted in it. Therefore, this study attempts to present a social and cultural view from this neighborhood. In this regard, the research is concerned with exploring and explaining the social identity of its inhabitants and its relation to everyday life and consumption. In other words, the present study seeks to elucidate the role of youth consumption in a gypsy community in Sabzevar, which faces some kind of identity challenge, to manage these challenges. This research is part of a larger project using narrative ethnography. New theoretical approaches to identity and consumption forms theoretical view of the research. Based on the results of this paper, the relation between social identity and consumption in Golestan quarter can be considered as a Convergence relation.


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