The Process Of Representation Of Lifestyle In The I.R.I.B Social -Family TV Series

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی




This research aims to use the cultural studies approach to study The process of "representing" the concept of "lifestyle" in the popular family-social serials of IRIB in the decades after the revolution. For this purpose, by purposeful sampling one series was selected for each decade: "pa'ize sahra", "Pedar sa’lar", "khatt'e ghermez" and "Marg’e Tadriji’e yek ro’ya". In the theoretical literature section; lifestyle theories have been explored and the constructive representation theory has been used as a theoretical framework. In the method section, both semiotics and narrative analysis are used.
The results show that the life style representation process in the series studied is not linear and unilateral and in each series the way of life style representation has significant differences. In the series "pa'ize sahra" the lifestyle representation is centered around class conflict, and the serial narration goes through the antagonist confrontation of "upper class lifestyle" and "lower class lifestyle". In the "Pedar sa’lar" series, lifestyle representations are centered around the contradiction of generations, in the form of the dual confrontation between "old-generation traditional life style" and "new-generation modern lifestyle". In the series "khatt'e ghermez", the lifestyle of the early 80s youth is described as "a disruptive and heterogeneous lifestyle. In the "Marg’e Tadriji’e yek ro’ya" series, the lifestyle has been represented around the two axis of "the contradiction of tradition and modernity" and the "religious contradiction", represented in the dual contradiction of "traditional religious lifestyle" and "modern anti-religious lifestyle". The most important changes observed in representation policies for lifestyle are: Increasing exclusion in lifestyle representation, increasing the attribution of the Rejected (other) lifestyle to the influence or conspiracy of Western countries, and increasing involvement of political issues and religious conflicts in the representation of lifestyle.


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