
Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی




Constructing a reliable methodological approach has always been one of the most important concerns of the scientists and scholars in social science. This article deals with the introduction of symptomatic reading. This methodological approach has determinative differences with current qualitative and quantitative research methods and is the result of psychoanalytic thought. The article shows that Foucault’s approach to method has determinative similarities with symptomatic reading approach. To review Foucault’s view on methodology, the article mentions Georgio Agamben’s interpretation of him. Then according to Slavoj Zizek and his interpreters especially Rex Butler, the relevance of symptomatic reading with contemporary critical theory will be analyzed. 


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-        ژیژک اسلاوی(1388)، وحشت از اشک­های واقعی، ترجمه فتاح محمدی، نشر هزاره سوم
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