Orientalism on the Scales: A Critique on Edward Said’s Orientalism

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی



Department of Science and Technology Studies, Institute for Social and Cultural Studies
The main claim of Said’s orientalism is that representation of West about East and dualization are the cause of Western domination and Eastern lag. Said’s orientalism is a genealogical reading on West/East discourse emphasizing on analyzing this matter that “other” (East) how be constructed by West’s discourse. Said considers orientalism as a distinctive discourse which has led to the creation of dualities (West/East, civilization/barbarian, etc.). Orientalism, he argues, is a highly coherent discipline by which Westerners have made East an object (recognizable). In this article I try to critique the Said’s orientalism theory by three criteria: internal critique, external critique and functional critique. The article argues that orientalist view has led eastern countries to seek confrontation with West instead of rethinking on their cultural, political, social, economic and scientific shortcomings which they face. The articles proposes that developing countries seek the root of their lag and West’s progress in other domains not in their interaction with the West.


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