Khazine movement Sanitary Measures to Improve the Situation of Baths and Popular Resistance

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


Master graduated in cultural studies


After centuries of using public baths, it’s Khazine suddenly became regarded as the source of contamination and desease outbrak. So it was required to replace Khazine with shower-bath. In fact, "public bath" was to be transformed and replaced with "private bath". In order to "baths improvement", legal authorities mobilised; and along with exercising disciplinary procedures, a different notion of hygiene was simultaneously being formed in the society: the contamination of passages and canals, the importance of public sanitation and the necessity of prevention strategies became the issues of debates; microbe was called devastating plague and contamination became visible. baths improvement (1318-1349) was not taken seriously at first but, in Shahrivar 1336, following the interior minister's command to put an end to Khazine’s problem, the situation changed. The owners of Garmabe (bathhouse), ordinary people and clergymen resisted to obey the new rules and conceived of new ways to use Khazine hiddenly. Legal authorities exercised more rigorous disciplinary procedures in turn. Surveillance and controling was expanded and the delinquent owners of Garmabe were summoned to the court.
The duality of impure/ pure was replaced with the duality of contaminated/ sanitary, and the public opinions about the disease, the causes of the desease and healthiness were changed.
The current study is based on the method of documantray analysis and a geneological approach by means of official and personal documents and through delineating the circumstances of the society of that time. It intends to provide a knowledge of the events, causes and conjunctional forces which their conjunction at the turning point of historical combination of necessity and contingency led to transformation and construction of a new society.


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