With the aim of specifying embodiment and masculinity construction, the present research analyzes men’s narratives of experiencing cosmetic surgeries. To do this, we respond the questions of research through presenting conceptual framework of embodiment and masculinity construction by means of Shilling theories as a well-known thinker in the field of embodiment. Shilling believes in the importance of body and embodiment as the multidimensional mean of society construction. He believes that cosmetic surgery in modern life is a mean of adaptation with surrounding environment and subject embodiment. Using qualitative approach and narrative analysis method, the data is gathered through open and semi-structured interviews with 20 men living in the City of Sanandaj in the Province of Kurdistan, Iran who had experienced one or more types of cosmetic surgery, and 4 surgeons in the field of cosmetic surgery as the authority of approving the data. Totally, the achieved data is coded and analyzed under 97 chief concept, 24 pivotal categories and 8 main concepts. The sampling method in this study was snowball and the thematic analysis technique was used to analyze the content of the interviews. The main concepts are Self-reflexive construction, Body representation, Management of effectiveness, Sociability, Technologic creation of body, Visibility, Hegemonic masculinity, Fashionism. The results show that masculine embodiment and masculinity construction in the City of Sanandaj have been impressed by the factors like: deterioration of traditionism and traditional supervisions over men, the progress of communicative technologies such as social channels in cyber space, easy access to the technologies of body modification, change of society toward ideal men, Presenting new definitions of masculinity, Decadence of masculinity bordering.
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