Blending thinking plays a major role in creating new concepts and metaphorical expansion of new perspectives. This article aime is metaphorical explanation of Anthony Giddens' sociological imagination based on the theory of conceptual blending. By studying Giddens works, his major metaphors were extracted and analyzed using qualitative content analysis method and based on the "Metaphor identification procedure" model. The main foundation of metaphorical language in Giddens's thought is blending metaphors. He has achieved new metaphors by transforming and combining concepts. In the theory of structuration using blending and ontological metaphors, In addition to organizing institutions in terms of time and place, it emphasizes the integration of structure and agency. Giddens believes at the epistemological level, Language is not merely a tool of analysis but itself a part of social action. At the methodological level, he also believes in the blending of quantitative and qualitative methods. Giddens believes that the social life of modern man is time-based, And what drives the modern world is the unprecedented acceleration of change at various individual and social levels. He has presented a redefinition of the modern world and "identify" it with "Juggernaut metaphor" also has combined and conceptualized with the metaphor of Janus, which has both positive and negative consequences.
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yaghoobi, A. (2021). Metaphorical explanation of Anthony Giddens' sociological imagination based on the theory of conceptual blending. Sociological Review, 28(1), 229-252. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84521
yaghoobi, A. . "Metaphorical explanation of Anthony Giddens' sociological imagination based on the theory of conceptual blending", Sociological Review, 28, 1, 2021, 229-252. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84521
yaghoobi, A. (2021). 'Metaphorical explanation of Anthony Giddens' sociological imagination based on the theory of conceptual blending', Sociological Review, 28(1), pp. 229-252. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84521
A. yaghoobi, "Metaphorical explanation of Anthony Giddens' sociological imagination based on the theory of conceptual blending," Sociological Review, 28 1 (2021): 229-252, doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84521
yaghoobi, A. Metaphorical explanation of Anthony Giddens' sociological imagination based on the theory of conceptual blending. Sociological Review, 2021; 28(1): 229-252. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84521