Assistant professor, Department of philosophy, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
The crisis which has been indirectly related to the Corona disease has created a lot of challenges, particularly against this view that the best position and solution for the establishment of order and peace in the world is the leadership of a global emperor and the unit system. This crisis revealed the face of the new empire more than ever: global capitalism with neoliberal values which has been developed in the form of utopian literature that promotes: peace, avoid war, equality, unity, and solving problems. But the main concern is control and management of social—technology relations from the center of the global society to preserve the hierarchy. Departure from the World Health Organization, lack of transparency of information on the field of virus mutation, and other issues such as depriving some countries of receiving vaccines and medicine, etc., can never be considered universal value. This is not an operational procedure subject to systematic or systemic rationality, and it can be said that the world society has made social or economic relations only within a range of what is in favor of capitalism and neoliberalism. During the crisis, order and emergent patterns can be suitable components to detect the weakness of the project of globalization and doubts in the possibility of planned evolution which may create destruction. This paper with the help of a systemic approach is presented a clearer picture of the pattern of globalization and its possibilities.
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Bakhtiarian, M. (2021). Corona and the Rational Model of the World Society: An Analysis Based on the Systemic Approach. Sociological Review, 28(1), 357-375. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84525
Bakhtiarian, M. . "Corona and the Rational Model of the World Society: An Analysis Based on the Systemic Approach", Sociological Review, 28, 1, 2021, 357-375. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84525
Bakhtiarian, M. (2021). 'Corona and the Rational Model of the World Society: An Analysis Based on the Systemic Approach', Sociological Review, 28(1), pp. 357-375. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84525
M. Bakhtiarian, "Corona and the Rational Model of the World Society: An Analysis Based on the Systemic Approach," Sociological Review, 28 1 (2021): 357-375, doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84525
Bakhtiarian, M. Corona and the Rational Model of the World Society: An Analysis Based on the Systemic Approach. Sociological Review, 2021; 28(1): 357-375. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2021.84525