The rhetoric of the Paris Yellow Vest Movement

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


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2 Allameh tabatabaei university


In the last two decades, the world has witnessed the emergence of movements of a diverse nature. The Color Revolutions of 2000 marked the beginning of a new form of movement. In 2011 network movements have emerged, after seven-year, The yellow vest of Paris (2018) occurred with a wide range of influence in European countries, which inherited the movements of their contemporaries and had a combined nature. The present article intends to study the yellow vest movement based on the theoretical approach of Benford and Snow framing and used rhetorical method. The results were obtained by identifying the diagnostic, prescriptive, motivational frameworks of the protesters during the movement, which was realized in the light of examining the protest symbols (poems, slogans, graffiti). The role of the media in legitimizing, and delegitimizing, the movement is also mentioned, and finally, the yellow-vest protest tactics during their collective action state.


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