How the health policy happens in the framework of the power system: Discourse analysis of the health reform plan in the 11th and 12th governments

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


1 گرووه علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه اصفهان

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Health reform plan in iran was considered as the most important achievement of the Rouhani government until the last days of his presidency. Considering the international and internal conditions of the country in the field of health and treatment, as the main program of the 11th government in the field of internal politics, this plan was launched immediately after the government started working and was able to provide a suitable field for the government's identity. This article tries to draw this relationship at the theoretical level by adopting the conceptual framework of health and politics. The historical discourse analysis method has been used to analyze political relations in the implementation of the health reform plan. The findings show that, through the strategic framework of the current unfavorable situation, progress and development, the 11th government was able to provide the necessary discourse support for the approval and implementation of the health reform plan and create a successful impression of the implementation of the plan. But later on, he used it as a tool to legitimize the actions of the government in the field of foreign policy, to criticize the political and cultural structure in the society, to eliminate competitors and critics, and to build a positive self and build a negative other in the political field. An action that gradually caused the divergence of the discourse and the loss of necessary support for the implementation of the health reform plan and brought serious obstacles in the field of health and treatment.


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