
Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی




Women, making up one half the society’s population, have an important and pivotal role in family and community health. A society in which women have active and comprehensive presence would never reinforce and encourage structures of violence, injustice and cruelty as much as a society in which women have no social presence does. Therefore, issues related to women are of priority. In Uraman region, religion and consequently the religious leaders have a significant role in livelihood and social affairs of people and are basically considered as a crucial variable for understanding the Uraman community. Urami women have made a reflective reaction to the modern world, and accordingly have had the same reflective reaction regarding religion and health. This is the result of a series of causes including modern life condition, modifications in religious leaders’ views about supporting women and plurality of religious leaders and ideologies. The present study seeks to investigate, firstly, the role of religious leaders in women's health and, secondly, to discover the way women have reacted to the conflict between their own health on one hand and religious leaders and their teachings on the other, and if it is reflected, to see if this reflection is consistent with maintaining and promoting their health. Thirdly, what changes should be applied to reduce gender discrimination existing in society and the family, and how? In this research, with the critical ethnographic approach of Carspecken and relying on in-depth interviews, documents, etc., an attempt has been made to find the reason why some Urami female agents have been able to reflect on their lifeworld continuously, while others did not see any need or were not able to reflect. According to the findings of this study, this would be possible in a situation where women have higher levels of education and, consequently, financial and emotional independence, etc.


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