Family in Iran has taken a different path from governmental documents and going on through the same path as modern families has gone in dissolution and instability. This paper due to this purpose has studied forty grand documents including seventeen from the supreme leader of Islamic Republic of Iran, six rules of economic, social and cultural development program and sixteen documents of Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution that shows the semantic stability of family. Semantic stability of family is based on paragon and unidentified family which figured out of hidden Idea and also unrecognized transformation of the agencies during these four decades. This leads Iranian policy makers to have a subjective image of family that has the least connection to the objective family in lived experience of social actors. That made these tow have conflict of interests and also lots of problems for family and its members.
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Arab Khorasani, S. and Hosseini, F. S. (2022). Semantic evolution of family in Islamic Republic of Iran's grand documents. Sociological Review, 28(2), 287-311. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2022.88949
Arab Khorasani, S. , and Hosseini, F. S. . "Semantic evolution of family in Islamic Republic of Iran's grand documents", Sociological Review, 28, 2, 2022, 287-311. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2022.88949
Arab Khorasani, S., Hosseini, F. S. (2022). 'Semantic evolution of family in Islamic Republic of Iran's grand documents', Sociological Review, 28(2), pp. 287-311. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2022.88949
S. Arab Khorasani and F. S. Hosseini, "Semantic evolution of family in Islamic Republic of Iran's grand documents," Sociological Review, 28 2 (2022): 287-311, doi: 10.22059/jsr.2022.88949
Arab Khorasani, S., Hosseini, F. S. Semantic evolution of family in Islamic Republic of Iran's grand documents. Sociological Review, 2022; 28(2): 287-311. doi: 10.22059/jsr.2022.88949