Investigating the relationship between the use of cellphone and its effect on Couples’ secrecy in the family (Case study of married employees of Jahad Daneshgahi (University Jihad) of Babol and Jahad Keshavarzi (Agricultural Jihad) of Sari)

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


Department of Social Sciences, Payam e Noor University, Sari, Iran


This study is in pusuit of investigating the relationship between the use of cellphone and its effect on Couples’ secrecy in the family among married employees of Jahad Daneshgahi (University Jihad) of Babol and Jahad Keshavarzi (Agricultural Jihad) of Sari. The theoretical framework of this research is a synthesis of George Simmel's theories about secrecy, changing values, attitudes-norms and some other theories about mass media (Anthony Giddens and Gasser). This research is a descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study. The study is done by a survey. The statistical society of the study consists of 670 married employees of Jahad Daneshgahi (University Jihad) of Babol and Jahad Keshavarzi (Agricultural Jihad) of Sari. According to Cochran's formula, 300 people were chosen as statistical sample. They are selected by simple random sampling. The data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of the research is desirable (above 0.7) and the data were performed with SPSS software and path analysis modeling. Research findings showes that there is a significant relationship between the use of mobile facilities, couples’ trust, individualism, family doubts and negative impact of couples’ use of cellphone on their relationship with couples’ secrecy. The findings of the regression model showes that the variables of using mobile facilities and the negative impact of couples’ use of cellphone on their relationship has the biggest impact on couples’ secrecy. Independent dual variables explain 60 percent of the variations in the dependent variable of this research.


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