Studying the narrative of the war between Iran and Iraq in Iranian novels and Comparing them in two time periods (1981-2005) and (2005-2015)

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی



This article with analyzes the narration of 11 novels in the literature field of the Iran-Iraq war with the aim of understanding the narrative style (official and critical). It is obvious that with the start of the war between Iran and Iraq, Iranian writers started writing and wrote some novels in the genre of war literature, the first of these novels being "Scorched Earth" by Ahmad Mahmoud in1981, but what is thought-provoking and more important is that cultural institutions and it's centers without the necessary expertise of the complications and consequences that war can bring to the economy, culture, human resources and all infrastructures of a country, tried to The format of concepts such as "literature of sacred defense", by emphasizing the continuation of the official narrative style in the fiction genre, downplay the losses and consequences of the war. This type of view and perception of the s war caused questions to be raised. Therefore, in order to achieve the goals of this research, we adopted the theoretical approach of "Walter Fisher" in terms of (coherence and believability) to analyze the narrative of selected novels. In addition, considering that this research has been followed by analyzing the narrative of the novel, we have chosen the methodology in this research of a qualitative type and in an interpretive paradigm, which can be seen in the process of the work that the genre of war literature has experienced significant changes at different times. From this point of view, we see that as the eighties approach, the structure of the stories becomes more complicated and in the characterization, attention is paid to people who were affected by the consequences of the war. In addition, in the 80s, audiences are looking for the results and achievements of the eight-year war in the pages of these types of novels, and by moving away from the time of the war, we see changes in the approach of many writers of this literary genre, who wrote in the direction of critical narration. As a result, we can see that the critical narrative has had a better acceptance and position among the authors and the audience.


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