The Role and Position of Government in Social Policy in Housing in Iran

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


1 PhD in Political Sociology, University of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan

2 Professor and Director of the Department of Social Philosophy, School of Philosophy, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan


Housing is one of the areas that has become one of the most important areas in social policy making. In Iran, after the Islamic Revolution, general policies and policies on housing provision in economic, social and cultural development programs have been envisaged and have been approved and implemented by the relevant governments in the form of development plan legislation. There have been attempts to turn them around.The present article, using qualitative content analysis, seeks to examine the policies of governments in the field of housing in the context of post-revolutionary development plans in Iran.The statistical population of the research is the texts of the laws of fourth and fifth development plans in the country and the data gathering tool is the use of an encryption and categorization system or a checklist.The findings indicate that in the fourth development plan, housing policy was developed in line with the policy of organizing worn-out tissues and providing low-income housing (Mehr Housing). In the context of the Fifth Development Plan, government officials have focused on Islamic-Iranian urban development patterns, "Mehr housing".


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