Urban plans, people's dissatisfaction and the establishment of the ungrateful peasant's model in the presence of urban executives, focusing on the organization of the Murad Abad Karaj

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی





There are many physical interventions in cities.
Typically, citizen dissatisfaction with urban plans is expected and will not cause much disruption in the implementation process. Sometimes people are accused of ungrateful.
This makes the myth of the ever-dissatisfied people fixed; people who are never grateful to the efforts of urban managers.
In this article, with the narrative analysis of the residents of the Islamâbâd neighborhood in Karaj has been tried to address this myth in field.
Since 1372, houses of a height above 1,400 meters this hill have been bought by the Moradabad Housing Office. The inhabitants of these houses moved to other places for resetting.
In this regard, the Boaventura de Sosa Santos theory has been used in the sociology of absentees and sociology of finds.
According to this theory, the dominant and general monocultures of capitalism, knowledge, and the general, impose on local cultures, local capitalism, and local affair, and eliminates them.
With the help of Santos's theory and narrative analysis, we tried to find out the existing and absent-minded.
The interest in the rigged area, the recognition of the project executives as private sector investors, the natural manifestation of the governing rules on the relations between the executives and the residents of the neighborhood, all contribute to the consolidation of the ever-dissatisfied people's model or the ungrateful peasant's model.

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