Subaltern Women's Narration of Femininity

Document Type : علمی وپزوهشی


1 Professor of Sociology, Criminology and Women Studies, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran

2 M.A in sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Tehran,Tehran



This article tries to describe and analyse subaltern women’s perceptions of femininity and the factors that influence these perceptions. In fact, this research concentrates on the intersection of class and gender. In this study, “subaltern women” were determined based on Pierre Bourdieu’s class analysis and four types of capital according to him: economic, cultural, social and symbolic. This research has been conducted using phenomenological method and the data gathering tools were in-depth and semi-structured interviews and 10 working-class women were interviewed. The reason for choosing phenomenology is that it allows the researchers to see and describe the phenomenon from the respondent’s perspective. The results challenge the current feminist analysis of women’s experiences as universal and show how women’s experiences and perceptions should be understood at the intersection of class, gender and power relations. The findings have been explained in the following themes: femininity as an intrinsic concept, the stigma of unattractiveness, grinning and bearing as a strategy, tendency to traditional feminine roles, the desire of being a male, sexuality, experience of violence, fatalism, intra-class safety, poverty.


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